2017 update


Hwy guys,  how have you been?

I know i haven’t posted here for so long but i grew up and my life changed a lot in the past few years. I hope some of you kept following me on my Facebook page and other social media.. (those haven’t changed and are still linked on this blog).

I moved to Australia last year and i am still cosplaying and crafting and i have a Bunny now!

I don’t know what to do with this blog to be honest but it will stay up while i decide on that.. (if you have any idea please do tell me). Meanwhile i have created a new one just for my Cosplay stuff, mainly because i wanted a website but because i also need to create one for my current IT classes..


Thank you so much to you that kept on being subscribed to me and if you like my work and wanna see more of it and support me, please subscribe to my Patreon, it would help me a LOT improving and boosting my confidence in my abilities.



I am fading..


And you don’t seem to understand,
A shame you seemed an honest man
And all the fears you hold so dear
Will turn to whisper in your ear.
And you know what they say might hurt you.
And you know that it means so much.
And you don’t even feel a thing.

I am falling,
I am fading,
I have lost it all

And you don’t seem the lying kind,
A shame that I can read your mind.
And all the things that I read there,
Candle-lit smile that we both share.
And you know I don’t mean to hurt you.
But you know that it means so much.
And you don’t even feel a thing.

I am falling,
I am fading,
I am drowning,
Help me to breathe

I am hurting,
I have lost it all,
I am losing
Help me to breathe…

Lyrics by Konaka Riyu
Sung by Brad Holmes
Song: Duvet



…..Is it enough?
..too fragil like glass..
..too painfull once it breakes you´r heart.. countless times..
How do you stand up once more after several falls?
…is it worth it…to bear the hypothetical pain once more?All over again?

“Because love is a relationship between two people, if you never think about the other half, there´ll be no future.”

…if it´s really something worth the fight..you will stand up once more, no matter how deep the falls were, no matter how much or less time it takes for one person to be healed..
That´s all i know.

My Kuchiki Rukia Cosplay

My Rukia Kuchiki fukutaicho version cosplay at AniComics Lx 2012.

I´ve decided to share my Cosplay photos on my blog too *O* hope you enjoy them and You can see more of my cosplays and other pictures on my deviantART acount or on my Facebook page if you´d like. ^_^




IchiRuki: For now..


♥ I have nothing to ask. If you didn’t tell me until now, you probably have a reason. And that’s your problem. I don’t know how to ask about that. I don’t know a good way to ask without trampling over and putting to shame your feelings. That’s why I’ll wait. Until you feel like you want to tell me, until you feel it’s alright to tell me. ♥

Kuchiki Rukia to Kurosaki Ichigo


Menina dos porquês..

Desde sempre que me lembro da minha pessoa a fazer montes de perguntas sobre tudo e mais alguma coisa:

“Há pessoas ou animais noutros planetas?”
-“Mãe, porque é que está escuro no nosso país e há luz nos outros?”
-“Cris, porque é que há tantas linguas diferentes no mundo?”
-“Porque é que as mulheres não podem ser presidentes?”
-“Quem inventou e deu nomes às cores?”
-“Porque é que a terra é castanha e a erva verde?”
-“Se os coelhos não põe ovos, porque é que não há então uma galinha da pascoa em vez do coelho?”
-“O mar e o céu tocam-se no horizonte? não? mas eu vejo-os tão proximos..”
-“Quem é a mãe de Deus se ele foi o nosso criador?”

Blá, blá, blá..

..quase como o anuncio da fruta (“ja comeste fruta hoje? não?porquê?”), ou talvez mais irritante (alguem que o diga ihih).. 😛

A verdade é que ainda hoje faço imensas perguntas, e continuo sem resposta a algumas..julgo ter sido esse um dos factos que me levou em parte a escolher o curso que actualmente frequento. Quero saber mais, descobrir mais, perguntar mais..por isso nada melhor do que escavar até ao cerne da questão 😉

E tu, tanbém fizeste ou ainda fazes muitas perguntas?

Dá-me um exemplo aqui no blogue ou na página do facebook (um fixe tanbém é porreiro :P). I so wanna know!

Oyasumi~! ♥